Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"In His name the nations will put their hope..." Matthew 12:21

We wanted to pass this link on to you. This is the latest newsletter from LivingStone University Partners in Mbale. It contains a couple of very powerful stories. One is about a young lady named Barbra whose life is being transformed by her experience at LIU.  The other is about Zechariah Manyok, a man who grew up in very turbulent times as a child soldier in Sudan.  He has recently come to be an instructor at LIU.  I had the privilege of meeting him in Mbale while there with John Bean and Roger Royston in January of this year.

These are stories of how God changes lives that will impact generations; the kind of stories that make Laurie and me feel very humbled excited about serving with the mission team in Mbale.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sunday With the Denbigh Church of Christ

Last Sunday (12/1/13) we had the privilege of worshiping with the Denbigh Church of Christ in Newport News, Virginia. The welcome was warm and the worship was joyful. They had invited Laurie and me to share our plans to join the team in Mbale during the adult Bible class, then gave me the opportunity to preach. We had a delightful lunch with several members afterward.

We are grateful to God that the Denbigh church has decided to assist us with our one-time needs, and also loaded our car with material goods that we will need to house guests (rugs, sheets, fabric, and a sewing machine!). Individual members are also considering how they can help.  Special thanks to Linda Shoun, Charles Tucker, and the Denbigh elders for arranging this visit.

We also look forward to a special gathering for prayer on our behalf this Friday at 7 p.m. at the Fredericksburg Church of Christ. Please join us there if you can; if not, prayers are appreciated from any location!