Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Stirred Heart

This has been an unusual season in our lives. It probably began back in July of 2017 when we got the news that Daryl's mom wasn't doing very well and was going to need to stay in a rehabilitation facility. 

Even though we knew in our heads that something like this would probably happen while we were in Uganda since all our parents were in their mid-
eighties, it still caused our hearts to be stirred.

In March of that same year, Laurie's father had also been admitted to a rehabilitation facility.  This triggered a season of reflection and prayer on whether we should reconsider our initial commitment of eight years in
Uganda.  It was not going to be an easy decision to make.

Passages - We were leaning towards returning sooner rather than later when
in October, Mrs Bates again took a turn.  At that point we felt resolved to return
to the US at the end of LivingStone International University's spring semester
in June 2018. 

We began telling our supporters of this decision and then told our teammates and others here in Uganda we work with.  As many of you are aware, Daryl's mother passed
away in early January at the age of 88. 

We traveled to Virginia to be with family.  While on this
trip, we felt a peace that the decision to return to the US
was the proper one and the one God was leading us to.

Ten days after returning to Uganda from Daryl's mother's funeral, we got the message that Mr. Wall, Laurie's father was also passing at the age of 90. 

So in February we again returned to US to say goodbye to a beloved parent.  Though we will deeply miss both of them, it is an unspeakable blessing to know that they are at rest with the Lord.

Other Big News - In March, not long after returning
to Mbale, our youngest son, Lee, let us know that he had popped the question and was making plans to get married
in June.

The ceremony will take place about a week after we return
to the US.  So this has been an unusual and eventful season in our lives and will continue to be so as we close out our time here in Uganda.

And the Changes Keep Coming - We
are currently in the process of packing up our household goods for shipment back to the US. 

In between packing and sorting we are shifting our responsibilities to Ugandans and American missionaries as we are able to.  It is all keeping us very busy!

Our plan is to arrive in the US in early June. After our son's marriage ceremony we want to visit family, friends and support-
ers before we find new jobs and a place to live.

For the first few months we plan on living with family in Virginia until we are
able to get our feet under us and see where the Lord is leading us.

Baptisms at Mbale Church of Christ
On April 5th there were three people who committed their lives to the Lord.  Joyce
and Elizabeth are LivingStone Inter-
national University students. 

Ismail is a former Muslim from the community who was drawn to Christ through the love that he experienced through Christian relatives. 

We rejoice for their decisions to follow Jesus!