Monday, June 26, 2017

41 Students Receive Degrees at Third LIU Graduation

On June 10th, LivingStone International University celebrated its latest class of graduates. Every time we watch these
young men and women complete this
journey, it feels as if we are watching
destiny unfold & history in the making.

We know for the ladies this is especially true.

One of the students Laurie mentored this year graduated with a diploma (Associate's Degree). When Laurie asked if she was the first in her family to go to university, she responded,
"I am the first one, ever!"

Since our graduating classes are still relatively small (41 students this year
and an estimated 100 students to grad-
uate next year), we can still allow the ceremony to be "interactive".

Family members and loved one erupted
in uninhibited joy as they rushed up to
their students to hug them and escort
them back to their seats after receiving their degrees (along with much clapping, cheering, dancing and excited ululating).

(The leis and huge hearts the students are wearing are favors given by parents.)

No doubt we'll miss this in the future as (Lord willing) our numbers grow and time won't allow for this.

A humbling aspect of this milestone is the potential for Kingdom impact in East Africa.

The vision of LIU is to transform Africa through Christ centered training that will produce ethical,employable Christian
leaders from every part of society.

Together with this class, there have been over ninety students sent out for this purpose.

Our prayer is not only that they and their families will be blessed, but that they will be the leavening influence in the places they now go which will cause the whole loaf to rise (Matthew 13:33) and thereby point the world to Jesus. This is the big picture, and we are so grateful to  get to  be a small part of it.

School of Christian Ministry Network

As followers of Jesus, we are all
called to participate in a life that
is much bigger than ourselves and beyond our personal abilities.

But the good news is that the Lord promises to supply and enable us with his own strength.

We have seen God at work doing that in the past months as three different ministry equipping schools (on their own initiative) have approached the School of Christian Ministry at LIU.

LIU was approached to enter into partnership with them to provide training beyond what they are able for their students; one is in Kenya, one is in South Sudan, and the other is here in Mbale.

This represents a wonderful opportunity for us. LivingStone International University is one of a small number of institutions in Uganda that offers BA level studies in Christian ministry.

This accreditation is important for ministers to establish credibility to governing authorities. We have now begun a process of dialogue with these schools about how to partner with them.

Prayer Requests:

1) LIU's graduating class as they now begin to look for employment.

2)The ongoing construction of the new campus and the transitioning from the five acres town location to the fifty acre country location at Komonkole eight miles out of Mbale. This development will last for years as we grow and new buildings are being built.

Funds are needed for the project to continue, as well as the blessing of safety and wisdom for all of those who are engaged in the construction work and planning.

3) Thanksgiving and prayers for our daughter, Lydia, son-in-law, Tony and our two grandchildren, Gabriel and Alexa, as they come in July to visit us in Mbale. This will be their first visit to Uganda. Lydia (and we) are excited to show them places in Kenya where she grew up and we ministered.

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